But a question has come up that I can't answer - or more accurately, am not qualified to answer.
Our school district has switched over to Macs after a disasterous trial of Vista and they like them very well. I knew that Apple's OSX was some kind of 'nix based OS but never thought on it before. After a little googling, it appears that Apple used FBSD as the basis for their OSX platform.
Some of the techier/nerdier/smarter kids have found the terminal application and have (with permission) descended into the insides of the platform. I have also looked and it appears to be fairly FBSD'ish. Their question is , does Apple use fairly standard FBSD, or have they redone it to their needs? In other words, if these kids learn the platform OS on their new Macs, are they learning FBSD or some hybrid OS that only applies to Macs?
Obviously the best place to ask this question would seem to be on a Mac forum, but I have found that while there are many Mac experts who can detail every corner of OSX, very few know anything once they drop out of the GUI. Some even argue that I am in the wrong forum, that OSX has nothing to do with 'Unix'.
Thanks all.
Is Mac Os
Is Mac Os Dead
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